Hi All,
I have idea regarding Turtle and triple. But finding difficulty in drawing inference. Please guide me what is difference b/w Turtle and Triple.
Hi All,
I have idea regarding Turtle and triple. But finding difficulty in drawing inference. Please guide me what is difference b/w Turtle and Triple.
The Turtle family of languages derives from something called Notation3 that was invented by Tim-Berners Lee. Notation3 provided a compact syntax for writing RDF but also extended RDF by adding features from first-order logic. Thus, Notation3 is a notation for writing "N3 Logic".
N3 Logic turned out to be much slower than RDF, so there hasn't been enduring interest in it.
Turtle is a syntax for RDF that is a subset of Notation3. Turtle has features that enable a concise syntax that is easy to write by hand. You can write something like
@prefix myns: <http://example.com/mynamespace/>
myns:object1 a myns:type1,myns:type2;
myns:property1 myns:object2 .
note that the "," lets you give multiple objects that apply to the subject-predicate and the ";" lets you specify different predicates that apply to a subject. There are also some shorthands for blank nodes that are convenient for writing RDF collections and OWL schemas.
N-Triples is a simplified version of Turtle that removes most of the shorthand. One line of an N-Triples equals one triple, so you can process N-Triples files with UNIX tools. N-Triples is more verbose than Turtle, but N-Triples is convenient when you need to handle millions of triples -- gzip compression removes most of the fat. The above file would look like this written in N-Triples:
<http://myexample.com/mynamespace/object1> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://myexample.com/mynamespace/type1> .
<http://myexample.com/mynamespace/object1> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://myexample.com/mynamespace/type2> .
<http://myexample.com/mynamespace/object1> <http://myexample.com/mynamespace/property1> <http://myexample.com/mynamespace/object2> .
Many of think that Turtle and N-Triples are superior replacements for the obsolete RDF/XML format. Turtle is the preferred format if you want to write a few hundred triples by hand, and N-Triples is used to publish large RDF data sets like DBpedia.
Just an additional info: the W3C RDF Working Group is standardizing Turtle. The latest draft is, of course, on the Web, and should be considered as the most up-to-date version of Turtle. That document (or maybe a separate one, not yet fully decided) will also give a 'standard' for N-triples; finally, and most probably, something like TriG will also be added to the list of official serializations formats (the latter depends on the outcome of the current discussions on named graphs).