Trust in the Semantic Web

Does anybody know active mailing lists or other sources related to trust in the context of the semantic web? I´m looking for a place to put questions about trust in itself, e.g.

  • What is trust?

  • What influences trust?

  • and so on...

If you know such a place it would be great to let me know where I can find it. May be this is the right site for these kind of questions?



Maybe "People, Profiles & Trust: On trust in web-mediated social spaces" is a nice read on the topic. It's not specially dedicated to the semantic web, but it's a result of a research project by Eric Wahlforss and Alexander Ljung - which now run - so at least it's written by guys who know much about the net.

Modeling and Representing Trust Relations in Semantic Web-Driven Social Networks looks like a pretty good treatment of the topic.

You might want to check out our position paper (for the 2009 W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking) concerning this topic for a rather theoretical POV, as well as a recent work from DanBri re FOAF+OpenID trust syndication as one practical example.