Does anybody know active mailing lists or other sources related to trust in the context of the semantic web?
I´m looking for a place to put questions about trust in itself, e.g.
What is trust?
What influences trust?
and so on...
If you know such a place it would be great to let me know where I can find it.
May be this is the right site for these kind of questions?
Maybe "People, Profiles & Trust: On trust in web-mediated social spaces" is a nice read on the topic. It's not specially dedicated to the semantic web, but it's a result of a research project by Eric Wahlforss and Alexander Ljung - which now run - so at least it's written by guys who know much about the net.
You might want to check out our position paper (for the 2009 W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking) concerning this topic for a rather theoretical POV, as well as a recent work from DanBri re FOAF+OpenID trust syndication as one practical example.