One of the most common themes I see on this site is that people are using the DBpedia public endpoint and are having trouble with queries that time out. I don't want to single them out, because the reason people are complaining about them is that they've got the most compelling product out there. The Talis/Kasabi people have been talking about offering a paid hosting service for RDF data and they haven't quite made it happen either, I believe, because they face the same problems.
To fill in the background, I'm currently working on a product which is like DBpedia but a lot better. It will contain information on more than 22 million different topics, and for the most part have much better recall and precision of facts. It will be aligned with DBpedia so it can be joined with DBpedia to exploit areas of DBpedia which will be superior. I'd like to deliver this product to customers in whatever way they'll find useful, and it's clear that many people don't want the burden of running their own triple store, but...
The usual model of charging people $N for Y API calls just won't work, where the "API Call" is a SPARQL query, because the cost of a SPARQL query can vary drastically. Even though I can build an elastic system based on AWS, I need to know that $N will pay for the hardware to do those Y queries. I'd like to offer a very good SLA, because if people are paying money, they deserve to get a good service. However, I think some users (particularly people like me) could be very expensive to serve because we like to write very complex and expensive queries -- I'd have to quote a very high price and I'm still not sure I can offer a good SLA for that price. On the other hand, that price will be way too high for people who mostly write simple queries, so I lose their business.
The part of me which is a technical guy would just like to sell an RDF dump and let people worry about their own triple store, but the business part of me has reservations about that, and the "voice of the customer" seems to say that people really like having somebody else run a triple store for them.
So what's the way out of this predicament?